The Pentium 4 processor, which has recently become available, is the latest in a long family of processors from Intel, that started with the 8088. Describe the development of this family. Compare the internal structures of the ming take peniss of the family and discuss the reasons for change. The Pentium 4 processor was announced in a blaze of publicity in late 2000 by Intel. It is the newest element of the most successful (in terms of unit sold) computer processors of any time. Its history can be traced back to what is generally considered the early ever microprocessor - Intels 4004 designed in 1969, and, of course, the development of transistor come aways which led to it. When IBM and its competitors utilise the 8088 in the first PCs, the success of the architecture which Intel straightway likes to travel to IA-32 (for Intel Architecture 32 spotlight, although it began as a 16 bit architecture) was assured. Recently there has been some question oer the succeeding(a) of IA-32 whose insistence on backwards compatibility has created chips which are less frugal than rivals with more modern designs. The 8086 was the first processor in the x86 family launched in mid 1978. All future members are backwards matched with it. It utilize 16-bit registers and a 16-bit data passel with 20-bit addressing and had a measure speed of 5MHz. resembling its (incompatible) predecessors from Intel, it was mostly used for calculators and specialised hardly simple systems such(prenominal) as controlling traffic lights. A year later the 8088 was launched. It was identical to the 8086 except for its restricted 8-bit remote data handler (like the 8086, 16-bits were used internally). The smaller data bus allowed the chip itself to be cheaper but also the hardware habituated to it could be simpler making it the chip of choice... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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